Taiwan iPreg Inc. to exhibit the newest Sperm Supporting Chip: A New Solution for Infertility at CES 2022 Taiwan Tech Arena Pavilion

iPreg Incorporation (iPreg), an award-winning biomedical device manufacturer in the field of reproductive medicine, has developed a new and enhanced solution for infertility. The "Sperm Sorting Chip'' is expected to increase fertility rate and fill in the blind spots that come with the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process, the technology was showcased at CES 2022
The research and development team at iPreg designed the "Sperm Sorting Chip'' using microfluidic technology which allows the fluid mechanics of sperm to swim in the microfluidic chip and create an environment that allows the sperms to race in the chip. This uniquely designed chip also increases the purity of healthy sperm to 90% while posing minimum damage to the DNA.
Sperm preparation by iPreg sorting chip increases the healthy sperm ratio to 90% in 15 minutes while maintaining the patient's safety as well as high recovery and efficiency. This plays an important role in assisting reproduction that speeds up the crucial stage of sperm screening in the IVF process.
With current infertility rates hanging at an average of 15% globally, IVF is believed to be the most efficient solution on the market with the ability to increase the pregnancy rate to 37.4%. On the other hand, the live birth rates of an IVF cycle with a woman's eggs at age 40-44 is down to a staggering 4.7%.
Through the many stages of fertility, from increasing the ratio of healthy sperm to the early formation of the blastocyst, the sperm sorting chip is expected to improve the success of pregnancy.
Currently, swim up and discontinuous density gradients are the most utilized in fertility clinics to select the fraction of motile spermatozoa. However, both methods have negative effects on sperm viability and can result in sperm DNA fragmentation and consequently lead to a low success rate of pregnancy in IVF therapy. Since health sperm is critical to the success of assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures, iPreg developed a novel device intended for preparing motile sperm from semen.
"iPreg aims to increase the fertility rate and provide modern day parent(s) the opportunity of building a family. With today's lifestyle, medical procedures need to be refined further to cope with the continuous change that poses an obstacle. We are looking to break barriers and provide a fighting chance to parent(s) across the globe," said Chen-Yen Chung, Chief Executive Officer of iPreg Inc.
As women's age at first childbearing increases year by year, the infertility situation is getting worse. Therefore, we believe that the research of IVF treatment urgently needs more investment in new technology. We expect that the application of iPreg chip can increase the fertilization rate and further increase the pregnancy rate of IVF. In addition, the future iPreg chip can also be extended towards tumor diagnosis, immune cell purification and animal husbandry industry, making this technology applicable to more fields.
Going global to make a change
Ever since its establishment, iPreg has been focusing on the in Vitro fertilization market and seeks to continuously improve the new generation of sperm sorting methods to help keep the fertility rate high and the infertility rate as low as possible. In the coming years, the company aims to set up footprint in Southeast Asia, North America and Europe.
iPreg Incorporation will be showcasing its technology at the Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA) Pavilion at Eureka Park, Venetian Expo 1F (Former Sands expo), booth no: 61423.
For more information, visit https://www.ipreginc.com/.